
Citizen's Advice Bureau Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Assist 

Specialises in assistance to obtain emergency injunctions from being further abused.

Phone: 0800 195 8699

Government Advice on Domestic Violence
Helping Victims of Domestic Violence

Hometruths - Domestic Violence

The Hourglass confidential helpline provides information and support to anyone concerned about harm, abuse or exploitation of an older person.
Phone: 0808 808 8141

LGBT+ anti-violence charity

Mankind Helping Men Escape Domestic Violence

Men’s Advice Line 
Confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse.
Phone: 0808 801 0327

National Centre for Domestic Violence

Specialises in assistance to get emergency injunctions from being further abused.
Phone: 0800 970 2070

National LGBT Domestic Abuse Helpline 
Emotional and practical support for LGBT+ people.
Phone: 0800 999 5428

National Stalking Helpline
Guidance on the law, how to report stalking, gathering evidence, staying safe and reducing the risk.
Phone: 0808 802 0300

The Phoenix Project Sexual Violence Project - The Phoenix Project brings together services for victims of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence and their families, providing a full range of services with a single easy-to-use access point.

Refuge – Women and Children against Domestic Violence

Respect Men's Advice line for victims of Domestic Abuse

SafeLives - Domestic Violence

Splitz Domestic Violence

Victim Support
Free and confidential help to victims of crime, witnesses, their family and friends.
Phone: 0808 1689 111

Wiltshire Council - Domestic Violence

Wiltshire Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons

Women’s Aid Domestic Violence Helpline
Free 24-hour national helpline run by Women’s Aid and Refuge.
Phone: 0808 2000 247

Always call 999 if it's an emergency or you're in immediate danger.